Monday 7 May 2012

around here lately

I've been away from this space for awhile, trying to balance life with a teething baby, a cold that's determined to stay, conjunctivitis for mama and child, and home repairs in full swing. My focus has been mostly on two things; my eight month-old, and my gardens. I can't do much to help Ian as he labours to shore up the weak spots in the foundation with concrete forms, so I've been working alongside, with babe on hip (or, more often, on grandma/auntie's hip), in the beds of dirt around this house. 
Since nap times (when I usually write) have been short and fitful lately, I will make this brief today, and will hopefully have time to work my fingers better soon. I must, must MUST wash the floors today (a weekend of tromping back and forth through the house in muddy galoshes and workboots- oye), and unfortunately that takes precedent over blogging. Hmph. 

So here's what things look like around here, lately: 

Happy Monday, friends! 


  1. Everything looks like it's coming along nicely!

    And I'm having the almost the same problem (the only difference is that I don't have a child, which I'm guessing is quite the difference). With all the gardening and yard work, baking, cleaning, reading, and being sick with a mega cold, I haven't been able to write as much lately.

    Just keep living and breathing! Everyone will be here whenever it all settles a little bit. :)

    1. Thanks Jenna! I hear you- what is with the spring colds? I never get sick in the winter!

  2. Your garden prep looks fantastic! I'm lucky if I get the grass cut around here ...

    1. I never cut the grass Karen! Especially in the spring, it breaks my heart to mow down the forget-me-nots. All about priorities :).
