Thursday, 12 July 2012


Today was one of those really nice days full of simple little pleasures. 

I've discovered that if I ask myself when I first get up, what is on my mind today that will prevent me from enjoying this day?, and then I take care of it, the rest of my day is literally set free from the bondage of procrastination-induced stress, and I find that I open myself up to all the sweet, sacred little moments like these: 

sharing a pina colada (virgin, of course) on the porch)

harvesting daisies from the front yard for the table

making business cards in hopes of more Etsy sales to come

great second-hand finds, and my first stop at a local farm for fresh eggs 

enjoying the bounty from organic raspberry picking with my mom yesterday 

my very first attempt at preserving
It doesn't happen every day, which makes quiet, delicious days like these all the more special.

1 comment:

  1. What a good day. The raspberry jam looks very, very yummy!
    Christine, I recieved your package today! Thank you SO much. It was made with so much love, it just popped out at me when I opend it! I showed it in my blog...
